Saturday, June 11, 2016

52-6 Servius Sulpicius Galba

Galba tried to correct the misrule of Nero by restoring Rome's finances and restoring discipline to the military. However much Galba had the qualities of leadership that Rome needed, he would be destroyed by the weaknesses and corruption of others. Galba's frugality alienated citizens, and it alienated his soldiers, with Galba saying in response that he levied troops rather than bribed them for their support. Galba announced that he had adopted someone as his heir, but he failed to pay the Praetorian Guard the donation that it had come to expect for supporting a new emperor. A senator, Otho, age 37, was eager to replace Galba and offered the Praetorian Guard the donation that it expected. Galba was cut down in the street by guardsmen on horseback. His close associates were murdered soon after, and the Senate proclaimed Otho emperor.

Servius Sulpicius Galba

3BC ~ AD69

Servius Sulpicius Galba, born in 3 BC was the first emperor in what historians refer to as the year of the four emperors. 
He came from a noble family and quickly earned a solid reputation for his military capability. He loyally served Claudius and was retired by the time Nero came to power.In 68, Nero ordered a murderous rampage on many roman nobles and although Galba feared for his life he was spared. When Galba heard of Nero’s death he assumed the title of Caesar and headed straight to Rome where soldiers halted him and made clear their demands if he was to continue peacefully. In fact, many of these soldiers were killed by Galba and his men.
During his brief reign Galba refused to pay soldiers for their loyalty and was disliked by many as he was like a puppet in the hands of 3 well known men of power.
Riots began in 69 and the masses demanded a new power be elected and took into their own hands the election of Vitellius.
In response to this Galba realised how unpopular he had become and elected his coadjutor Piso to replace him.
Otho, one of Galba’s earliest supporters was angry that he wasn’t chosen, communicated  with the discontented Praetorians who adopted him as the new emperor and slaughtered Galba and Piso soon after.    

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